
Table of Contents (Online Help)


Day Sheet

The day sheet shows the total amount received and paid out on a selected day. It gives details of Cash, Bank and Impersonal accounts transactions on that date. The transactions can be for loan repayments, client registration fees, commissions, loan disbursements etc.

Each of these 3 categories,i.e., Cash, Bank and Impersonal account has a breakdown showing totals of cash received and cash paid and the Total Credits of all categories must equal to the total of all the Debits.

How to view the day sheet

To view the day sheet you go to Accounts->Day Sheet an the following screen will be displayed:

Select any other required additional options or use the default selections. For additional information on these options you can refer to Accounting Report Formats.

Click on the OK button to generate the day sheet that will look as follows:

Note that the credit side shows amounts that were received while the debit side shows the amounts that were paid out and that the total credits equal to the total debits.

Click on the Close button to exit.

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